SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #105
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
SwiftUI in 2022
Half the iOS devs on my TL keep posting stuff like “here’s how I shipped an amazing full-featured cross-platform SwiftUI app in 10 minutes and the other half are like “Button presses have been broken in SwiftUI for 16 months and Apple hasn’t responded to my radar”.
The power of accessibilityChildren view modifier in SwiftUI
SwiftUI provides us with a rich set of view modifiers to manipulate the accessibility tree of views. I covered many of them, and you can find them in the blog’s dedicated Accessibility category. This week we will talk about the accessibilityChildren view modifier and how we can benefit from it.
SwiftUI equal and ideal sizes
One example that illustrates this quite well is when you want to make all children of a VStack as wide as the widest child. Sounds like it should be straightforward. But it’s not. It’s a surprisingly hard problem.
Markdown rendering using Text in SwiftUI
SwiftUI comes with built in Markdown support, allowing you to combine text styles like bold, italic, and strikethrough.
Make your SwiftUI view modifiers safer
Learn why you should apply the Swift attribute @warn_unqualified_access to your SwiftUI view modifiers.
3 ways to observe app’s life cycle in SwiftUI
There are things that weren’t that difficult in UIKit but in SwiftUI. Tracking an app’s life cycle is one of those things.
How to Dump SwiftUI Environment Efficiently
Learn how to print environment values efficiently for debugging purposes.
Ways To Improve Your SwiftUI Code
In this video, we're going to look at ways to improve your SwiftUI code. We'll look at common things you'll see in SwiftUI and how to improve your SwiftUI code, with practical examples.