SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #109
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
What's New in Xcode 14 Previews
A tour of the new SwiftUI preview canvas in Xcode 14.
The power of task view modifier in SwiftUI
Task view modifier is the key to the Swift Concurrency world through SwiftUI. It allows us to build complex async tasks by leveraging the power of cooperative cancellation and the lifecycle of a SwiftUI view. This week we will learn all the powerful features of the task view modifier in SwiftUI.
SwiftUI Renderers and Their Tricks
WWDC ’22 brought us a couple of new ways to capture SwiftUI views. There is ImageRenderer and ChartRenderer. In general we use the first one to generate images of our views, and ChartRenderer specifically for Chart views. In this article we will explore both renderers, its tricks, quirks and limitations.
Typed Payloads in SwiftUI using NSUserActivity
User activities and SwiftUI never really fit like a glove, but regardless they are key for state restoration. Luckily, SwiftUI has a little trick to make the process pragmatic and type safe.
Switching between SwiftUI’s HStack and VStack
Different ways to implement a dynamic SwiftUI stack that renders its content either horizontally or vertically, depending on the current context.
Multiline TextField in SwiftUI
Here it is! How many times did I try to find an answer on Stackoverflow, uhm? No more custom multiline text fields using TextEditor. Starting with iOS 16 we can achieve it using TextField just by adding a new parameter axis.
Programmatically open a new window in SwiftUI on macOS
Learn how to use the new openWindow action in SwiftUI to programmatically present new windows in macOS 13.
What’s new in SwiftUI in iOS 16?
Natalia Panferova joins John to discuss some of the key new features that are coming to SwiftUI and UIKit in iOS 16, and to talk about her experience working on SwiftUI at Apple.
UICalendarView in SwiftUI
In this video, I am going to show you how you can add the new UICalendarView introduced in iOS 16 for UIKit into a SwiftUI project.