SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #118
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.

Simplify building, managing, and growing in-app purchases in Swift. Offload backend work and building paywalls to Glassfy. Build and test for free by clicking here.
Mastering NavigationSplitView in SwiftUI
My final post in the new navigation APIs series in SwiftUI is about building two-three column apps. I have been waiting for all the betas to solve the critical issues with the brand-new NavigationSplitView, and it looks like it is almost ready to use. This week we will learn how to use and customize NavigationSplitView to build multi-column apps in SwiftUI.
Hello Swift Charts
Swift Charts is Apple’s newest Swift framework for building beautiful charts with declarative syntax. Read this article to find out how creating charts in your apps is now as easy as pie!
Fill bar marks with gradient in Swift Charts
Add a gradient to a bar chart that stretches from top to bottom of the plot area rather than filling each individual mark.
Create a Card with an Image Outside its Bounds in SwiftUI
Discover how to Create a Card with an Image Outside its Bounds in SwiftUI. Use view modifiers to offset the background image!
ShareLink and ShareSheet in iOS 16
In this video, I am going to introduce you to ShareLink which was introduced in iOS 16 and it is a much simpler way to gather information from your app that you may which to share with others via the ShareSheet option.
How to support Dynamic Island in iOS 16.1
Learn how to support dynamic island in your iOS 16 apps with ActivityKit, WidgetKit, and SwiftUI.