SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #119
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.

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Window management in SwiftUI
One of the significant additions to the current iteration of the SwiftUI framework was window management APIs. We can open a separate window using the new environment APIs and create a menu bar app using the new scene APIs. This week we will learn how to use new window management APIs in SwiftUI.
Running Code Only Once in SwiftUI
We often look to .onAppear or the nascent .task modifier to run single purpose tasks. But, those aren’t reliable in all cases.
When does a SwiftUI Environment get retained?
Let's explore some scenarios in which the SwiftUI environment stays in memory, even after the views are removed from screen.
Adjust SwiftUI controls for the Button Shapes accessibility setting
Use the accessibilityShowButtonShapes environment value to change the appearance of custom buttons and links embedded in Text views to make them more accessible.
Define colors with Hue, Saturation and Brightness
Define colors with Hue, Saturation and Brightness rather than Red, Green and Blue properties.
Animated Launch Screen in SwiftUI
Create an easy animated Launch Screen in SwiftUI. Learn how to build your first launch screen in minutes using SwiftUI properties.
Should we manually call @StateObject initializer
Is it OK to manually initialize @StateObject? Let's find out.
Navigation Basics for SwiftUI on macOS
This tutorial covers how to get started with navigation in a macOS app using SwiftUI. You will implement the NavigationSplitView API to setup columns in the side bar, content column, and details column.