SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #125
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.

Spot the differences, merge in seconds — kaleidoscope.app
Kaleidoscope gives you power tools to use at each stage of the development cycle. Compare source code, resolve git merge conflicts, debug with the kspo command, and check your XCTest results. Get 20% off by using coupon SwiftUIWeekly.
Building custom layout in SwiftUI. LayoutValueKey.
During the last weeks, we covered many aspects of building custom layouts using the new Layout protocol in SwiftUI. But we still have a lot to cover. This week we will learn how to use the LayoutValueKey protocol to pass custom layout parameters while composing views in the custom layout.
Understanding SwiftUI view lifecycles
I wrote an app for observing how various SwiftUI constructs and container views affect view lifecycles, including the lifetime of state.
SwiftUI vs. Storyboard: Which Is the Best for iOS Devs?
How to choose between SwiftUI vs. Storyboard for developing iOS and iPadOS GUI components. Pros, Cons, and Comparison of Swift.
How to show badge on List Row in SwiftUI
Learn how to add and remove a badge on List rows.
Observe how different SwiftUI container views affect state and lifecycle events (onAppear, onDisappear).
Enum Navigation in iOS 16
Learn how you can capitalize the power of enums and the new NavigationStack in iOS 16 to streamline and manage your navigation.