SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #132
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
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What's new in Xcode 14.3 and iOS 16.4
Apple released Xcode 14.3 Beta and iOS 16.4 this morning (February 16, 2023), and it came with a lot of improvement, more than I expected. In this article, we will quickly go through some of them that I find interesting.
Mastering charts in SwiftUI. Customizations.
The Swift Charts framework became a huge topic on my blog. But I decided to continue this subject to cover everything I’ve experienced with the Charts framework. This week we will learn how to customize the Chart view using a bunch of chart view modifiers provided by the framework.
Reading keyboard modifiers on iPad in SwiftUI
With the advent of desktop class iPadOS applications there are many macOS UX idioms I would like to bring to our iPad apps. One such UX pattern is hybrid mouse + keyboard interactions, such as command + click for adding or removing items from selection and shift + click for extending the selection.
The Art of Sequential Animations in SwiftUI: Tips, Tricks, and Examples
You want to animate your view sequentialy. First one, view then, another one and then the final one.
The making of Ice Cubes, an open source, SwiftUI Mastodon client.
This is the beginning of a series of articles about the making of Ice Cubes.
Arc Coding Chronicles
Our new loading indicator for Arc doubled as a fun SwiftUI kickflip for our crew - so we thought we’d share the process and... the code.
Building Live Activities for iOS 16
James Warren at Itty Bitty Apps presents a tutorial on building Live Activities for iOS 16.