SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #135
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
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What's new in Swift 5.8
Back-deployable APIs, more implicit self upgrades, improved result builders, and more!
SwiftUI Tables Quick Guide
Multi-column tables have long been a feature of macOS. SwiftUI added support for them in macOS 12.0. They came to iOS a year later in iOS 16. There are some caveats and sharp edges to be aware of if you’re thinking of using them.
Downloading Data in SwiftUI with URLSession and async/await
Many modern iOS apps are connected to the internet. When you need to download or upload data, URLSession is the solution. Together with other types, URLSession not only transfers data over a network but also groups transfers together.
How to Change the Background Color of Navigation Bars in all iOS versions?
Today we will explore how to customize the navigation bar in SwiftUI.
SwiftUI Grid Layout or Is It Just a Bunch of HStacks?
After three years, we finally have a native Grid implementation in SwiftUI!
SwiftUI Auto Scrolling Tab Indicators
In this video, I will teach how to create Custom Scrolling Tab Indicators for PageTabView Using SwiftUI 4.0.