SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #137
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
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Swift 5.8 Released!
Swift 5.8 is now officially released! This release includes major additions to the language and standard library, including hasFeature to support piecemeal adoption of upcoming features, an improved developer experience, improvements to tools in the Swift ecosystem including Swift-DocC, Swift Package Manager, and SwiftSyntax, refined Windows support, and more.
Sharing content in SwiftUI
Apple introduced a brand new CoreTransferable framework and ShareLink view in SwiftUI, allowing us to share and export content from our apps very declaratively. This week we will learn how to make data transferable and use the new ShareLink view in SwiftUI.
SwiftUI rendering pitfalls
Mastering SwiftUI rendering cycle is not easy and it's common to face issues with it such as having your views rendering too often or not rendering at all while some state changed. In this article we'll focus on the second issue and see some edge-cases where your view is not rendering while you think it should have.
The Many Flavors of Unidirectional Architectures in Swift
How have SwiftUI and async/await changed the concept of state containers in these last six years?
Learn How To Easily Create Deep Links in SwiftUI
If you're looking to enhance the functionality of your SwiftUI iOS apps by allowing users to access specific content within the app via a URL link, you've come to the right place! In this tutorial, we'll show you how to enable deep linking in your SwiftUI app, step-by-step.