SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #143
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
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API availability in Swift
WWDC is coming pretty soon, and we are going to use a bunch of new APIs. But how to use new APIs available only for the latest version of iOS? This week we will learn about availability conditions in Swift.
Using Layout protocol to align explicitly positioned views in SwiftUI
We've just released a big update to our app Exsto, and one of the main additions was an interactive tutorial for new users. The tutorial helps users make their first strokes to start creating their own artworks. For this tutorial we needed to add a moving label that changes its position based on where the next stroke should start. To be able to animate the label as it changes its location, we added it in an overlay over the entire screen.
Presenting Content In Pages Using SwiftUI
One of the tasks iOS developers often come to perform is to present paged content. That usually happens in on-boarding screens, as well as other parts in apps where users should scroll left or right to see subsequent content. Doing so in SwiftUI is surprisingly easy, especially when comparing to UIKit where things are a bit more tricky.
This Window Is Leaking
Setting a custom NSWindowDelegate
on NSWindow
in your macOS SwiftUI app can introduce memory leaks. To mitigate this, save the original delegate before setting your custom one and restore it before the window closes.
CoreData in SwiftUI
An introduction to the Apple’s persistence framework.
SwiftUI PreferenceKeys
In this tutorial, I am going to introduce you to SwiftUI PreferenceKeys. If you've been creating SwiftUI applications for a while, you might have been using them without even realizing it.