SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #156
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Push Notifications in SwiftUI
SwiftUI has been available for several years, but I have never had to handle push notifications in a pure SwiftUI application until now.
Building a searchable map with SwiftUI and MapKit
There are some very exciting improvements coming to MapKit in iOS 17 that will make working with maps in SwiftUI much easier. To get to grips with the new APIs, I decided to build a small searchable map UI component that lets users search for locations, see them on a map.
Examples of animating SF symbols in SwiftUI
WWDC’23 introduced SF symbol animations. There are 8 different animation presets: appear, disappear, bounce, scale, pulse, variable color, and replace. Each of these presets have a dedicated use-cases.
Unidirectional flow implemented using Swift Generics, Swift Concurrency and new Observation framework.
iOS 17 Data Flow with Observation Framework
In this video I am going to be introducing you to the new Observation Framework that was introduced at WWDC23. The observation framework uses a new Observable macro that replaces the ObservableObject protocol and the @Pubished property wrappers.
Introducing Observable - Observable Explorations
In this part we show how easy it is to use Observable and explain what is added by the @Observable macro and explore a bit of the mechanism that SwiftUI uses.