SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #160
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Understanding Container Background for Widget in iOS 17
In the upcoming iOS 17 update, Apple once again expanded the use of widgets, making them available in more places, including the iPad lock screen and iPhone standby mode.
Adding a Help Menu to a SwiftUI App
When you create and run a SwiftUI Mac app project, the Help menu has a menu item named AppName Help, where AppName is the name of your app. If you choose that menu item, an alert opens saying help isn’t available for the app.
StateObject vs ObservedObject
In this article, we’ll dissect the differences between @StateObject and @ObservedObject, and when to use each. Let’s dive right in!
Discovering All SwiftUI TextField Keyboard Types
You are using SwiftUI in your new app and you need to choose the right keyboard for your TextField.
Level up your SwiftUI – Easy improvements you can apply to any SwiftUI app
In this video I'll show you some smart, simple improvements you can make to your SwiftUI projects to take advantage of the latest API from Apple.
SFSymbol Animations in iOS 17
In this video, I want to introduce you to the iOS and MacOS Symbols framework that was introduced at wwdc2023. I will be introducing you to the different animation types that can be used with the DiscreteSymbol effect, the Indefinite symbol Effect and the ContentTransition effect.