SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #161
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Thread safety in Swift with actors
Actors is the new Swift language feature, making your types thread-safe. This week, we will learn how to use actors and their benefits over locks. We will also discuss actor reentrancy, the main confusing point of using actors.
How to use the new inspector SwiftUI view modifier
The latest version of SwiftUI introduced an interesting new modifier, .inspector
Understanding Publishers in SwiftUI and Combine
SwiftUI and Combine have been around for a couple of years and are fast becoming more mainstream, as they’re adopted as the main tools to develop new iOS and macOS (and other appleOSs) applications.
App Intent driven development in Swift and SwiftUI
App Intent driven development can help you architect your code for reusability. An app intent allows you to define an action or provide content as a result. Using intents, you can extend custom functionality and data to support system-level services like Shortcuts, Siri, Spotlight, and the Action button.
Phase Animations in iOS 17
In this video, I want to introduce you to the new phaseAnimator method that was introduced in iOS 17. It is a powerful way to create stateful animations in your app that can change over a sequence of phases that you define.