SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #162
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
RevenueCat makes implementing in-app purchases, managing customers, and scaling your app business easy. Whether you're adding in-app purchases and subscriptions for the first time or already have millions of paying users, you can get up and running with RevenueCat in minutes. See why over 30,000 apps use RevenueCat to power their app businesses. You can explore their docs to learn more.
Mastering charts in SwiftUI. Pie and Donut charts.
One of the additions to the Swift Charts framework after WWDC 23 was a brand new SectorMark type. The SectorMark allows us to build pie and donut charts in SwiftUI easily. This week, we will learn how to plot the data using SectorMark.
The Future of Accessing User Location in SwiftUI
Apple “recently” launched the async/await and a lot of old APIs are migrating to this new way of receiving asynchronous updates. Apple then released the AsyncSequence which is a way to continuously listen to an async stream of data. In the Xcode 15 and iOS 17 you can now use the async APIs to get your user’s current location.
Sync Data in SwiftUI Using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore can be understood as a network-synced version of UserDefaults. It is a member of the CloudKit service project and can easily share data across different devices (with the same iCloud account) with simple configuration.
The curious case of ShareLink with plain text strings
I’m currently playing with ShareLink, a lot, for my upcoming app SharePal. And I couldn’t miss this very strange and inconsistent behavior I got with it. Specifically when providing a string as an item.
New and Deprecated APIs in iOS 17
In this video, I would like to share with you some things that were either deprecated or added in iOS 17, but are too small to warrant an entire video on their own. I have combined a number of them for this this video, and you may learn some other things too that might help you in your projects.
Introduction – SwiftData Starter Project
This project is aimed at programmers who have some experience with Swift and SwiftUI already, and want to get up to speed with SwiftData as quickly as possible.