SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #163
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
RevenueCat makes implementing in-app purchases, managing customers, and scaling your app business easy. Whether you're adding in-app purchases and subscriptions for the first time or already have millions of paying users, you can get up and running with RevenueCat in minutes. See why over 30,000 apps use RevenueCat to power their app businesses. You can explore their docs to learn more.
Mastering Observation framework in Swift
Apple introduced the new Observation framework powered by the macro feature of the Swift language. The new Observation framework, in combination with the Swift Concurrency features, allows us to replace the Combine framework that looks deprecated by Apple. This week, we will learn how to use the Observation framework to handle data flow in our apps.
Advanced SwiftUI Animations – Part 6: CustomAnimation
Welcome to a new installment of the Advanced SwiftUI Animations series. I initiated this collection of articles back in 2019. Since then, Apple has been enhancing the framework and introducing new features. This year is no exception, with exciting additions that expand the possibilities of SwiftUI animations.
Daniel Steinberg - SwiftUI to destroy the Publishing Industry
When your controller, view model, or presenter needs to tell a SwiftUI view to refresh itself with updated data, we have used an ObservableObject and @Published. All that changes with the introduction of @Observable. In this session, we’ll look at how we adjust data flow in our apps with the new Observable protocol and the @Observable macro.
Chris Eidhof - A Day in the Life of a SwiftUI View
Chris tells us how a SwiftUI view is rendered, laid out and updated.