SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #167
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Mastering ContentUnavailableView in SwiftUI
SwiftUI introduces the new ContentUnavailableView type, allowing us to display empty, error states or any other state where content is unavailable in our apps. This week, we will learn how to use the ContentUnavailableView to guide users through empty states of your app.
Hierarchical background styles in SwiftUI
Before iOS 17 to get hierarchical system background colors in SwiftUI we usually had to convert them from UIColor
Understanding Text Case And Capitalization In SwiftUI
Text plays an essential role in creating intuitive user interfaces and delivering great user experiences in applications. No matter if it’s static or text that users input in text fields and text views, its appearance vastly defines how it’s perceived by users and how well it conveys its message.
Building Complex Scroll Animations With New iOS 17 API's
In this video, I'm going to show how to create a Complex Scroll Animation With the Newly Released iOS 17 APIs Using SwiftUI.