SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #177
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Making Customizable SwiftUI Components
In this article, we’re going to explore different ways of creating customizable components in SwifUI.
SwiftUI Got Isolation Wrong
The discussion is really centered around isolation and how the isolation inheritance rules can be challenging to reason about. But, what I couldn’t get over was that SwiftUI was used as the main source of examples.
Using the New Observation Framework to Network Monitoring in SwiftUI
Today we will talk about NWPathMonitor. You can use this object to read the network status, which network you are using and more.
LabeledContent in SwiftUI
does exactly what the name suggests, it adds a label to the content. The content is a read-only or read-write value, and the label describes the purpose of that value. LabeledContent was introduced in SwiftUI 4.0 at WWDC22 and it's one of the many features that can help you write more readable code.
Opening hyperlinks in SwiftUI
Opening hyperlinks in UIKit with UILabel is unexpectedly complex. What about SwiftUI? In this post, we’ll dive into opening hyperlinks in SwiftUI.
Efficient Sorting In SwiftData
In this SwiftData tutorial we're going to improve the way we handle sorting from our last video by seeing how to improve the performance of our when sorting in SwiftData.