SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #179
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
SwiftUI Tasks Blocking the MainActor
I find it way too easy to accidentally block the MainActor, and hang the user interface, with a long-running task that I thought was on a background thread.
How to build a draggable bottom sheet with a scroll view in SwiftUI
Learn how to build a bottom sheet such as in Apple Maps or Google Maps with SwiftUI.
Customizing a Chart in Swift Charts
Learn how to customize the visuals of a chart using Swift Charts in a SwiftUI application.
Tips and Considerations for Using Lazy Containers in SwiftUI
This article will explore some practical tips and important considerations aimed at enhancing developers’ ability to leverage SwiftUI’s lazy containers for improved app responsiveness and resource management.
How to support dark mode in SwiftUI programmatically
Learn how to improve type safety when working with semantic colors.