SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #180
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Building async button in SwiftUI
Swift Concurrency became a vital part of my development stack. I leverage the power of the new Swift Concurrency features like async/await and task groups almost everywhere. SwiftUI Button type doesn’t support Swift Concurrency out of the box, but it is flexible enough to allow us to build a button type supporting Swift Concurrency.
Where Swift Concurrency will run your function?
Apple released Swift 5.5 almost three years ago. The main addition to the release was the Swift Concurrency feature. It introduced async and await keywords, allowing us to build concurrent apps in a new way. This week, we will learn how Swift determines where to run your function in a concurrent environment.
Practical SwiftData: Building SwiftUI Applications with Modern Approaches
This article will explain, in a tutorial-like manner, how to integrate SwiftData with modern programming concepts smoothly into SwiftUI applications and provide strategies to address the current challenges faced by developers.
SwiftUI Views and @MainActor
This article will discuss the meaning of @MainActor
, as well as tips and considerations for applying @MainActor
within SwiftUI views.
Key press events detection in SwiftUI
SwiftUI offers several modifiers to listen to key press events, making it effortless for you to hook up actions to specific keyboard keys. Let’s dive in!
SwiftUI Inverting A Boolean Binding
How do you change a SwiftUI binding to a boolean to give the inverted value?
Getting Started With The Observation Framework In SwiftUI
The Observation Framework changes the way that we think about Data Flow in SwiftUI, we have new additions to this framework such as the @Observable macro which changes the way we model our data in SwiftUI.