SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #193
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
State of in-app subscriptions 2024
Check out the latest iOS benchmarks and "cheat sheets" with all the key numbers on one page, making it super easy for app developers to find essential growth data.
Mastering ScrollView in SwiftUI. Scroll Phases
This year, the SwiftUI framework introduced several new scrolling APIs, allowing us to track and tune everything in a scroll view. This week, we will discuss monitoring scroll phases in SwiftUI.
Mastering Animatable and AnimatablePair in SwiftUI
In this article, we'll explore Animatable
and AnimatablePair
and we'll see how we can use these APIs to craft more advanced animations in our apps. But before we do that, let's make sure we understand the problem it solves.
SwiftUI can be a bit... eager
When writing an application using AppKit or UIKit, you feel confident about when views are created and released. Your code takes explicit actions for that to happen. SwiftUI is a lot more nebulous.
A Summary Of How To Pass Data To SwiftUI Environment
The SwiftUI environment is an in-memory shared storage among all views within a view hierarchy. Thanks to it, various parts of an app can access shared data easily, allowing for better state management, which is fundamental to SwiftUI. Since the environment is essential when making SwiftUI apps, it’s crucial to know how to pass custom data to it, as well as how to access that data from within views.
Laying out views with ContainerRelativeFrame in SwiftUI
In this video, I want to return to my Deeper Understanding series and dig into the ContainerRelativeFrame view modifier for SwiftUI. It is a powerful modifier, but there are some things you need to be aware of before you start to implement it in your own projects.