SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #210
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
SwiftUI Performance - How to use UIKit
Nowadays, Apple platform development has undergone significant changes. Previously, we believed that building the core of an app around UIKit and using SwiftUI for certain screens was a good idea. This week, we’ll delve into the foundation of app development using SwiftUI, while also exploring UIKit for scenarios where performance truly matters.
Exploring The LabeledContent View In SwiftUI
SwiftUI is full of views that act as composing blocks for other views. Some of them are quite well-known, while some others are not; yet, such views can be really useful tools that save us valuable time and help avoid writing unnecessary code. A view like that is the LabeledContent, a container that combines a label with a content, presenting everything in a predefined fashion.
Picker in SwiftUI explained with code examples
The picker control in SwiftUI allows you, as a developer, to create a UI element for users to select from a set of values. It comes in different styles, and the segmented control and menu picker styles are probably the most well-known variants.
Refactoring my SwiftUI Navigation Layer to follow the Coordinator Pattern
Recently, I implemented a navigation layer for my SwiftUI apps, initially handling only stacked screen navigation. I left out sheet and full-screen presentations, planning to add them later. Now, I am back to refactor the layer, expanding it to handle these additional presentation types for more versatile navigation options.
Placing UI components within the Safe Area Inset
Learn how to place views and controls on the borders of a view container in a SwiftUI app.