SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #211
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Awaiting multiple async tasks in Swift
A few weeks ago, we discussed Task Groups in Swift, which is an explicit way of executing multiple concurrent tasks and waiting for them to complete. This week, we’ll delve deeper into the topic by exploring the async-let syntax in Swift, which offers a convenient way to work with Task Groups implicitly.
SwiftUI TabView: Explained with Code Examples
The SwiftUI TabView allows you to create a tabbed view and is a great container for several of your main views. Each tab displays another main view, allowing your user to quickly switch between the most important sections of your app.
The Simple Life(cycle) of a SwiftUI View in 2025
When SwiftUI was first announced in 2019, we developers were trying to understand the new world from our old, UIKit one. And anyone who’s worked with UIKit knows that understanding the UI lifecycle is a crucial must.
Clean Up Your Sheet API
If you are like most developers, you probably have more parameters than are required to get a working sheet in SwiftUI. Please pardon the potty humor and let’s work together and get that API cleaned up.
The Composable Architecture: How Architectural Design Decisions Influence Performance
I’ve been diving into architectural patterns lately, and it’s been quite the journey. I wanted to share some thoughts on how the design decisions we make can have these ripple effects throughout our apps – especially when it comes to performance.
SwiftUI Default Scroll Anchor
Changing the default behaviour of a scroll view to center content only when it’s smaller than the scroll view container.