SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #30
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Lazy stacks secrets
A couple of weeks ago I’ve updated AStack, a micro library that switches any SwiftUI stack axis when the environment content size category is among the accessibility ones.
Introducing View Preferences in SwiftUI
If you have ever used the environment you know how easy it is to flow information down the View hierarchy, but in some situations you need to be able to flow information upwards. This is what View Preferences are used for. It’s a way to send configuration data up the View hierarchy.
Customise About Panel on macOS in SwiftUI
How to add custom information and copyright to your app's About window on macOS Big Sur when using the SwiftUI app lifecycle.
Importing interactive UIKit views into SwiftUI
Why rewrite views when we can reuse them?
UIKit or SwiftUI: what to use in production?
Designing data-driven interfaces compatible with both frameworks. Connecting SwiftUI with RxSwift and UIKit with Combine.
Your iOS Home Screen is a Monoid
You can find examples of algebraic structures, like Monoids, in everyday situations!
This app was created with the intention of publishing to the AppStore. The primary purpose of this app is to share information with the UK public in the hopes that people will change their behavior to help us all control the spread of this virus.
SwiftUI example using CareKit framework.
@AppStorage property wrapper
How to use @AppStorage property wrapper to read and write values from the UserDefaults.
SwiftUI 2.0 CardView with Lottie Animation
This video mix with custom card view with Lottie animation.