SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #33
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
The magic of redacted modifier in SwiftUI
Redacted modifier is the thing that will have a great impact on how iOS apps handle loading states. During WWDC20, Apple showed us the easy way of hiding the data from home-screen widgets using the redacted modifier. Today we will talk about using the redacted modifier to hide sensitive data and handle loading states.
Hashable SwiftUI bindings
We’ve previously covered how to add optional bindings to SwiftUI views using DisclosureGroup as an example.
Adapting to SwiftUI View Lifecycle
For an iOS developer working with UIKit and View Controllers, lifecycle events are a relevant piece of code to implementing any kind of view really.
Basics of SwiftUI Animation
Animating is quite different in SwiftUI than with UIKit.. While The syntax is mostly easy to understand, but the logic is so different that it takes time (and nerves) to master.
Adding Shortcuts To An App
Since then, iOS14 has been released along with some exciting new features in Shortcuts, which are detailed in the 'What's New In SiriKit & Shortcuts' video from WWDC 2020.
Preparing Views for Localization
Specify hints and add strings to localize your SwiftUI views.
Applying Custom Fonts to Text
Add and use a font in your app that scales with Dynamic Type.
SwiftCamera: The source project for the SwiftCamera tutorial
SwiftUI has proven to be a really awesome new framework to build and design apps in a quick and reliable way. Nonetheless, it is still in its infancy and Apple needs to add more support for other framework integrations as it did recently with the new Sign In With Apple button in SwiftUI 2.0. In this project we'll learn how to integrate AVFoundation's AVCameraSession with SwiftUI so we can create reusable, extendable modern components for apps that need to use our device's cameras.
SwiftUI Tutorial: Core Concepts: AnimatableModifier
In this episode we're going to look at the AnimatableModifier protocol, why we need it, and how to implement it. Hopefully this will clear up a lot of the confusion regarding animations in SwiftUI.
Grocery App - Setting Up Firebase with Xcode 12
In this video, Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to setup Firebase with Xcode 12. Azam will also demonstrate how to fix the current errors in Firebase related to Xcode 12.