SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #42
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Recreating the Strava Activity Graph in SwiftUI
SwiftUI tutorial recreating Strava 's interactive activity graph and stats block.
How to check if Text is truncated in SwiftUI?
When displaying text of various lengths, our design needs to be clear on whether there should be a maximum number of displayable lines, or if the full text should always be shown.
The Strategic SwiftUI Data Flow Guide
In this guide, I will show you the strategies to select the correct SwiftUI data flow mechanism and the relative property wrappers.
SwiftUI + GraphQL = 😍🚀🙌
I love combining GraphQL with SwiftUI to make rich, clean, and data-driven applications. In this article, I want to share my setup + tooling so that more people can explore GraphQL. And by the end, we will even have a small prototype with reusable views and working pagination.
Build Animated Pie and Donut Charts in SwiftUI
Create the pie and donut slices and animate them.To start creating the shapes and animate them, we first need to start with the data we need to build the charts.
Create a list of views in SwiftUI using ForEach
Part 1 in the series "Building Lists and Navigation in SwiftUI". We visit the first building block of any list view, content, and how to create them.
Decoupling SwiftUI Views for Reusability
In this video, Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to decouple SwiftUI views to make them reusable.
Swift UI Animation - Getting Started
Marking properties as 'State' will trigger a new snapshot of your view each time they’re modified. These can be automatically interpolated by SwiftUI!
SwiftUI: Intro to AnimatableModifier
This video will show you how to use an AnimatableModifier to create an incrementing number effect. We will look at how we can use overlay to add this to any view you want - in this example we use a Circle.
SwiftUI by example: @ObservedObject vs. @StateObject.
In this video, I am showing an example where we will see the difference between @StateObject and @ObservedObject. What can go wrong.