SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #47
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Pass Data Between Views with SwiftUI
How do you pass data between views in SwiftUI? We're going to discuss 4 approaches to share data, like @StateObject, in this tutorial.
Result builders in Swift explained with code examples
Result builders in Swift allow you to combine build components into a single outcome value. Code examples demonstrate how you can use them.
Custom HUDs in SwiftUI
iOS has always had some kind of system HUD. We can see one every time we send an email from the Mail.app, when we toggle iOS’s Silent Mode, and in many other ways.
MVVM Paradigm
This is a brief post on how MVVM can be implemented in a new project,be it an app or a website, MVVM is a way you can separate your Business Logic from your Data. Before I get into more details about how it is implemented in SwifUI, I will try to explain the basics of this pattern.
Custom Popup in SwiftUI
Learn how to implement a custom popup, a popover, a sheet, and a snackbar message in SwiftUI with complete code examples.
The First 50 Daily Coding Tips (Swift and SwiftUI)
Taking a look back.
SwiftUI Tutorial: Building a Ridiculously Over-the-Top Squishy Toggle
SwiftUI Tutorial: Building a Ridiculously Over-the-Top Squishy Toggle. In this series, we're going to be creating a ridiculously over-the-top squishy toggle. We’re going to be covering a lot of ground over this series so there are loads to learn. In this episode, we’re going to build the frame for the toggle and lay the foundation for the rest of the project.
Build a news app in SwiftUI 2.0 (Combine, API, MVVM & Swift Package Manager)
Welcome back to the channel 👋🏾 In this swiftui tutorial we’ll be building a news app. We’ll learn how to use swiftui 2.0 with Combine, we’ll look into using SwiftUI MVVM, we’ll also interact with an API to get our newsfeed, use SPM(Swift Package Manager) to speed up our development flow and handle swiftui layout with views such as VStack. So stick around to learn something new and let’s build this swiftui news app.
The Weather App Course
A 15 part YouTube video series on building a Mobile Weather application for iOS using Swift and SwiftUI and the MVVM design pattern. Please open in YouTube to find description and links mentioned in the video.
API calls with SwiftUI
How to call an API and display the data with SwiftUI.