SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #57
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
What's new in Swift Package Manager in Swift 5.4
A look into all main SPM changes for Xcode 12.5
Abstracting Navigation in SwiftUI
Advanced architectural patterns usually advocate for keeping navigation logic independent of their views, so what approach can we take to decouple navigation logic? Let's start with a little abstraction.
Building custom Combine operators in Swift
Combine looks like a very sophisticated framework and provides you all the needed things you might need to process your data. It comes with many valuable operators like map, filter, and reduce. This week we will learn how to build new operators that we might miss from the default package.
Controlling the timing of a Combine pipeline
How to implement timing features like debouncing, deferring, and delayed retries when building Combine-based data pipelines.
Toasts and popups library written with SwiftUI.
A Tour of isowords: Part 2
Let's dive deeper into the isowords code base. We'll explore how the Composable Architecture and modularization unlocked many things, including the ability to add an onboarding experience without any changes to feature code, an App Clip, and even App Store assets.
Build Onboarding Screens in SwiftUI
In this SwiftUI tutorial, we’ll look at how we can add onboarding screens to the start of a SwiftUI app. We’ll look at how we can use SwiftUI @AppStorage, alongside SwiftUI TabView & SwiftUI PageTabViewStyle to easily create an onboarding screen in SwiftUI.
SwiftUI List with Custom Cell & Passing Data
In today's video I show you how to create a List with a custom cell in SwiftUI. We also create a NavigationView that allows us to navigate to a detail view while passing data. You will learn how to create a link button that navigates to safari as well as some basic refactoring. This tutorial was created in Xcode 12.4 and Swift 5.3.
Wallet App UI
In this video, I'm going to show how to create a Complex Wallet App UI With Custom Animated Segmented Picker Using SwiftUI 2.0.