SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #69
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Submitting values to SwiftUI view
SwiftUI Release 3 brought us a new declarative approach for handling submitted values. Text fields, forms, search bars allow users to submit values that we can take and react to them using the new onSubmit view modifier. This week we will learn how to use the onSubmit view modifier and what benefits it provides us.
Dependency Injection in Swift using latest Swift features
Dependency Injection using latest Swift features allows you to mock data, and write tests easily without 3rd party dependencies.
Router Pattern
Another responsibility that SwiftUI gives to the view is navigation. Via NavigationLinks, TabViews, and Sheets, our views aren’t just responsible for their own content on the screen. It starts to feel like the view is doing an awful lot.
Show Badges in SwiftUI
Find out how to use the new badges API in the 3rd release of SwiftUI, and how to add a badge to list rows and the items of tab bars.
Environment Objects and SwiftUI Styles
Some important heads up on this powerful combo.
The App uses Apple's Combine framework for operation scheduling. The UI-Layer is built with The Composable Architecture and SwiftUI. Minimum platform requirements are: MacOS 11 and iOS 14.0
Build a Complete Gardening App in SwiftUI
In this video, Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to start building a complete gardening app in SwiftUI. This part focuses on displaying vegetables on the screen using a web API. In the future parts we will cover persisting using Core Data, camera, note taking, extensions etc.
Making a Simple Combine Call in SwiftUI
How to make a Simple Combine Call in SwiftUI.