SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #75
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Accessibility rotors in SwiftUI
SwiftUI Release 3 contains many new APIs that we can utilize to improve accessibility in our apps, and one of them is the new accessibilityRotor view modifier. This week we will learn how to use the accessibilityRotor view modifier to provide custom VoiceOver navigation using rotors.
Advanced SwiftUI Animations - Part 5: Canvas
This fifth part of the Advanced SwiftUI Animations series will explore the Canvas view. Technically, it is not an animated view, but when combined with TimelineView it brings a lot of interesting possibilities.
Sidebar layout on macOS in SwiftUI
A common UI layout on macOS has a sidebar and detail view side by side. The sidebar contains a list of items, where the selected item is displayed on the right and displays details of it. One would expect that creating such a view hierarchy in SwiftUI should be pretty easy to set up.
View masking in SwiftUI
What SwiftUI offers beyond clip masks.
Restricting Dynamic Type Sizes
In iOS 15 you can set limits on the minimum and maximum sizes of dynamic type.
Presenting a Color Picker in SwiftUI
Meet the color picker view provided natively in SwiftUI since iOS 14. Learn how to integrate it and find out what features it offers to users.