SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #76
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Xcode 13 RC
Xcode 13 includes everything you need to create amazing apps for all Apple platforms. Includes the latest SDKs for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
How to apply a reverse mask in SwiftUI
An exploration on how we can achieve masking effects beyond what SwiftUI offers.
SwiftUI Stack View Tutorial
Stack Views in SwiftUI can be used to compose layouts.. In this tutorial a
vertical stack(VStack) and a horizontal stack(HStack) will be displayed.
This tutorial is built for iOS15 and Xcode 13, which can be download at the
Apple developer portal.
Disclosure Group in SwiftUI
Read about the disclosure group in SwiftUI; a handy built-in view able to expand or collapse in order to show grouped content.
Random Bug In ScrollView In SwiftUI
Sometime you might find random crash from ScrollViewReader and receive Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS. It could be problem with scrolling, here is some hack.
Designing Your App for the Always On State
Customize your watchOS app’s user interface for continuous display.
Supporting Multiple Watch Sizes
Customize the layout of your user interface to support all Apple Watch screen sizes.
Using Combine’s share operator to avoid duplicate work
How the share operator enables a Combine publisher to be reused without requiring duplicate work to be performed for each subscriber.
Point Freebies: Swift Concurrency and More
We're celebrating the release of Xcode 13 by making all of our WWDC 2021 videos free! Explore SwiftUI's new refreshable and FocusState APIs, both in the context of vanilla SwiftUI and the Composable Architecture, and learn how to build a map-powered application from scratch using the new searchable API.