SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #80
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Xcode 13.1 Release Notes
Update your apps to use new features, and test your apps against API changes.
Mastering ControlGroup in SwiftUI
One of the new container views delivered in SwiftUI Release 3 was the ControlGroup view. The ControlGroup view displays semantically-related controls in a visually appropriate manner for the context. This week we will learn how to use and customize the appearance of the ControlGroup view in SwiftUI.
How to compose SwiftUI views with @ViewBuilder
An exploration of an important pattern used throughout SwiftUI.
SwiftUI under the Hood: Fonts
A look at what we've lost going from UIFont to SwiftUI and what it takes to get it back.
New in SwiftUI and iOS 15: LocationButton
User’s location is probably the most sought out permission after notifications but its also the most sensitive piece of information. Over the years, Apple has invested lots of time to make sure that user’s information is not shared without their knowledge.
New in SwiftUI 3: Canvas
SwiftUI 3 introduced a brand spanking new view called ✨ Canvas ✨ for rich and dynamic 2D graphics drawing.
New in SwiftUI 3: foregroundStyle
Introduced in iOS 15 and SwiftUI 3, foregroundStyle is a new modifier which can be used to apply color or pattern as foreground to view. This modifier can be applied to style content of text, shapes, symbols, images etc.
This is ridiculous! Apple’s Official SwiftUI Tutorial on Paths and Shapes using PureSwiftUI
In this episode, we're going to finish recreating the shapes and views from the official Apple tutorial on drawing paths and shapes using PureSwiftUI in an exercise to see the improvements we can make. I think the result will surprise you!
Custom modifiers – Views and Modifiers SwiftUI
In this project we take a close look at how views and view modifiers work in SwiftUI.
Custom containers – Views and Modifiers SwiftUI
In this project we take a close look at how views and view modifiers work in SwiftUI.