SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #83
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Displaying badges in SwiftUI
One of the many things included in SwiftUI Release 3 was the ability to display badges. SwiftUI Release 3 provides you with the badge view modifier that we can use to generate badges in lists and tabs. This week we will learn how to use the badge view modifier and customize the look and feel of badges.
Dynamic colors in SwiftUI
SwiftUI offers a range of predefined semantic colors we can use in our views. But in most cases, we want to define our own custom colors that automatically adapt to certain user preferences like dark mode changes. We can achieve that by using the asset catalog or or by defining the colors programmatically.
Custom SwiftUI Environment Values Cheatsheet
A collection of the most common custom types we might define into the environment.
Building a Camera App With SwiftUI and Combine
Learn to natively build your own SwiftUI camera app using Combine and create fun filters using the power of Core Image.
Managing Focus in SwiftUI List Views
How to manage focus in SwiftUI List Views.
SwiftUI New Button Styles
In this video, I show you the new SwiftUI Button Styles that were introduced in iOS 15. These SwiftUI modifiers allow you to create various Apple-looking buttons for relatively low effort. Unless you have crazy custom buttons, this will likely be the standard way to style your buttons from here on out.
SwiftUI Confirmation Dialog
In this video, I show you how to use the new Confirmation Dialog introduced in iOS 15 for SwiftUI. I think this is a much cleaner way to handle a very common type of alert so it doesn't overtake the entire screen, which leads to a much nicer user experience.
The EASIEST way to use Firestore in SwiftUI
This video walks through fetching data from Firebase Cloud Firestore step by step. Learn how to create a Firebase project, link it to your iOS app, and read data from Firestore in real-time.
Getting Started with Swift Concurrency
In this video, we’re going to explore Swift Concurrency and some of the new capabilities we get in Swift. In this Swift Concurrency tutorial, we’ll be looking at practical examples in SwiftUI & UIKit. We’ll discuss a range of topics within the Swift Concurrency Framework such as Async Await, Actors, Continuations, Async Task, Group Tasks, and many more topics within the Swift Concurrency Framework, alongside real-life examples you may come across in your project.