SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #84
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
What's new in Xcode 13.2 beta 2
It's a very light update for SwiftUI. Let's see what's new.
The many faces of ShapeStyle in SwiftUI
ShapeStyle is the protocol that we have from the very first release of the SwiftUI framework. ShapeStyle defines a color or pattern to use when rendering a shape. This week we will learn the many faces of ShapeStyle protocol and different implementations provided by the SwiftUI framework.
Open Sourcing SwiftUI Navigation
Today we are open sourcing SwiftUI Navigation, a collection of tools for making SwiftUI navigation simpler, more ergonomic and more precise.
Capturing Text From Camera Using SwiftUI
Learn how to capture text from the iPhone camera into your SwiftUI app so your users can enter data more quickly and easily.
Presenting Popovers in SwiftUI
Find out in this quick post how to present a popover in SwiftUI, what's important to remember, and what you should be expecting from it.
How to Create a Looping Video Background in SwiftUI
As of the time of writing there isn’t a straightforward way of incorporating a video background or a video player in SwiftUI. Fortunately, there is a way where with a little bit of hassle we can still make it work with help of the AVKit and AVFoundation that Apple provides.
Tools for making SwiftUI navigation simpler, more ergonomic, and more precise.
Structured Concurrency
We start implementing a download manager as a sample project for exploring Swift's new concurrency model.