SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #85
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Mastering ProgressView in SwiftUI
Many of our apps do heavy work on background threads like networking or data processing. We usually want to display progress or the activity indicator of the ongoing work. This week we will learn how to use ProgressView to present both indeterminate and determinate progress in SwiftUI.
Displaying Borders in SwiftUI
Displaying borders around views in SwiftUI is easy, and this post shows how to draw borders that are simple, rounded, or have another shape.
Using TimelineView and Canvas in SwiftUI
Learn how to use TimelineView and Canvas in SwiftUI and combine them to produce animated graphics.
Transactions and Animations
In SwiftUI, there are many different ways to animate something on screen. You can have implicit animations, explicit animations, animated bindings and transactions.
Mastering Pull to Refresh and Refreshable in SwiftUI
Since iOS 14, Apple allows us to add pull to refresh functionality to our SwiftUI apps with just a few steps. In this article, you will learn how to add pull to refresh functionality to Lists.
Async/await for existing iOS apps
Using new concurrency model with SwiftUI apps.
Swift actors: How do they work, and what kinds of problems do they solve?
Let’s explore Swift’s version of actors, and what kind of problems that we could solve by defining custom actor types within our code bases.
Adding a custom star rating component
In this project we build a book review app using Core Data, @Bindable, and custom UI components.