SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #91
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Unlisted App Distribution
Release your apps that aren’t suited for public distribution as unlisted on the App Store, discoverable only with a direct link. Unlisted apps don’t appear in any App Store categories, recommendations, charts, search results, or other listings.
Microapps architecture in Swift. Dependency Injection.
We covered a lot of things related to microapps architecture in Swift during the last month. I would love to finalize the series of posts by touching another essential edge of the approach: Dependency Injection. This week we will learn how to inject the dependencies into feature modules to improve testability and facilitate Xcode previews.
When to use built-in, 3rd party or a custom implementation for Async Image Loading in SwiftUI
Learn when to use AsyncImage, an open-source library or a custom (async/await) SwiftUI implementation for asynchronous image loading.
Interactive animations in SwiftUI
Explicit and implicit animations, transactions, timing functions, the mass-spring-damper model, and gesture-driven updates.
@EnvironmentObject explained for sharing data between views in SwiftUI
@EnvironmentObject in SwiftUI allows injecting dependency by making them available to any child views through the SwiftUI Environment.
Flavors of SwiftUI Picker on macOS
Find out what the available styles of the SwiftUI Picker view on macOS are, and how the same view can result in different controls.
Dismissing Keyboard on a SwiftUI TextField
How to dismiss the keyboard on a SwiftUI TextField using the new FocusState property wrapper in iOS 15.
Floating Hearts Animation in SwiftUI
How to make Instagram live like button animation in SwiftUI.
iOS Conf SG 2022
iOS Conf SG is the largest iOS developer conference in Southeast Asia. Every year the event is attended by hundreds of developers around the world. 2022 was no exception with speakers and attendees from around the world.