SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #92
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
SwiftUI Search: Getting Started
Learn how to use the searchable modifier to quickly add search capability to your SwiftUI apps.
Debugging SwiftUI views: what caused that change?
Debugging SwiftUI views allows you to find the cause of a redraw. Solve unexpected animation issues using this technique.
3 surprises when using Markdown in SwiftUI
SwiftUI in iOS 15 uses GitHub Flavored Markdown. Tips for using a Text view with non-string literals or an AttributedString with line breaks.
Modifier Monday: .fixedSize()
For the inagural Modifier Monday entry, let’s take a peek at .fixedSize().
Fixing SwiftUI’s Automatic Preview Updating Paused
Understand why SwiftUI previews keep getting paused and how to improve the situation.
SwiftUI Wordle Clone: Overview and Application Setup
Wordle is a word game created by Josh Wardle, a Software engineer from Brooklyn, who created a guessing game just for himself, his partner, and his family that proved so popular with that group that he thought he might be on to something so he released it as a web app to the rest of the world in October.
SwiftUI Wordle Clone: Designing the Game Board
This is the 2nd of 9 videos in the Building a Wordle App clone series. In this video, we will begin our UI design by creating our Game Board.