SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #97
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Functional core Imperative shell in Swift. Unidirectional Flow
A few weeks ago, we talked about the idea of Functional core and Imperative shell in Swift. The goal is to extract the pure logic using value types and keep side effects in the thin object layer. This week, we will look at how we can apply this approach in an opinionated way by using unidirectional flow.
SwiftUI List Selection On iPad
There’s an annoying problem that causes SwiftUI lists to lose their selection when running on iPadOS.
What can go wrong when using custom fonts in SwiftUI
Ensure that font weight gets correctly applied even if a custom font was not registered by the app developer in your SwiftUI application
This repository serves as your reference and complete guide for SwiftUI Spring Animations. It demonstrates use cases for the various types of spring animations and spring parameters. No more guessing the values of the parameters for spring animations you create for your next iOS app.
Asynchronous programming with SwiftUI and Combine
The Future of Combine and async/await and calling asynchronous code from Combine.
Exhaustive testing in TCA
Exhaustive testing can lead to a bunch of TDD anti-patterns, what is the alternative?
Realm and SwiftUI
This is the first in a series of videos that I am doing, showcasing Realm for MongoDb. For lack of a better description, you can thing of Realm as being a replacement for Core Data. This is part 1 of a two part ToDo app where the focus is on Realm PropertyWrappers and ObservedResults.
Breaking down @StateObject in SwiftUI
In this video, we will be breaking down @StateObject in SwiftUI. We'll be discussing why it is important to understand the concepts associated with the SwiftUI @StateObject source of truth pattern, so we can see how to create a source of truth for our SwiftUI views to read from.
Accessibility on Apple’s platforms
Sommer Panage returns to the show to discuss Apple’s various accessibility APIs and tools, how to incorporate accessibility support into a team’s overall development workflow, and what it was like being an engineering manager at Apple.