SwiftUI Weekly - Issue #98
The curated collection of links about SwiftUI. Delivered every Monday.
Getting started with CloudKit
CloudKit is an easy way to store data in the cloud, sync between multiple devices, and share it between the app’s users. This week we will learn how to start using CloudKit in the app to save and fetch data from the cloud and sync between multiple user devices.
Lifetime of State Properties in SwiftUI
This post is a look inside how (a small part of) SwiftUI works. I'm mainly writing this as part of my extended memory, so that I can go back to it and read about how it works.
SwiftUI Pull to Refresh
Similarly to the SwiftUI Search Bar in the Navigation Bar, a SwiftUI Pull to Refresh can be built by leveraging on pre-existing UIKit solution using UIRefreshControl. Besides getting all the behaviors for free, you can count on the component to be kept updated in the future.
Error alert presenting in SwiftUI simplified
Presenting error alerts in apps is essential to communicate failures to your end-users. The happy flow of apps is often implemented well, but the unhappy flow is equally important. Managing all kinds of error alerts can be frustrating if you have to present them all individually.
SwiftUI Testing With ViewInspector for iOS
Learn how to use the ViewInspector framework to write UI tests for SwiftUI apps.
Aspect Ratios in SwiftUI
objc.io publishes books, videos, and articles on advanced techniques for iOS and macOS development.
Date formatting in SwiftUI
In this article, learn how to use Date() and format those correctly within a SwiftUI application. You'll be surprised how easy it is.
Pass Data Through The SwiftUI Environment
Learn about how the SwiftUI Environment works internally and how you can use it to pass data down a View hierarchy.